To crack the exam we remember what is needed, and know how to apply it.

To crack the exam we remember what is needed, and know how to apply it.

Ready to see the KOs?

Scoot down to the end of this blog for the links to GCSE and A Level resources....

At MediaEdu (Edusites Media) we know that the student taking the exam is the person who needs to recreate what has been learned and revisit it in a number of different forms. Revisiting and rethinking revision is effective to actively engage memory, recall and writing to prepare for the A level or GCSE sprint that is ahead.

Productive revision is a revisiting of what has already been taught but...we know that what has been taught may not have been learned.

Do your students have their own access to your school account?

Your student logins provide everything a student will need to find the answers to each of the sections on these knowledge organisers.

What can you do for the Edusites Community?

When your students have completed a knowledge organiser please take a photo and send it to us. We will be able to see how effective this provision is and completed KOs will provide other students with the motivation to get on with it themselves!

 To crack the exam we remember what is needed, and know how to apply it.

Why a Knowledge Organiser?

  • A Knowledge Organiser (KO) sets out the important, useful and powerful knowledge on a topic on a single/double page.
  • Each of your exam board's set products have an Edusites printable knowledge organiser for your convenience.
  • Each Knowledge Organiser has sections for the specified areas of the Theoretical Framework and Contexts specified by your exam board for each product.
  • This scaffolding approach offers students pointers when working with the set product to identify the important information to memorise.
  • These are 'Smart' Organisers designed specifically to suit the study requirements of each media product - In-Depth, Targeted, Comparative or Explicit.
 To crack the exam we remember what is needed, and know how to apply it.

All exam board GCSE Knowledge Organisers here

 To crack the exam we remember what is needed, and know how to apply it.

All exam board A Level Knowledge Organisers here

Associated Resources