"Edusites Film has completely transformed my approach to teaching, offering in-depth resources that make film analysis both accessible and engaging for my students." "The comprehensive exam materials have significantly boosted my students' confidence and performance, helping them achieve top marks in their assessments." "With Edusites Film, I save valuable time on planning, knowing I have reliable, high-quality resources that cover the entire film studies curriculum." "The variety of resources, from detailed film guides to interactive activities, keeps my students thoroughly engaged and passionate about exploring the world of film."

Lesson 1 Taking It Personally

Lesson 1 Taking It Personally

Click here to view Lesson 1: Taking It Personally


  • KNOWLEDGE: to develop ideas about how we respond to films and begin to understand what might trigger us to respond as we do and why we don’t all respond the same way to the same film
  • LEARNING: to build ideas of how to films facilitate responses in spectators and audiences
  • APPLICATION: to develop understanding by analysis of a range of film trailers rom different film genres.

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